


USB 4G/3G Modem Support List

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All major cellphone networks within Europe now support 4G (LTE) data and all of these networks typically provide USB modems. These are normally available 'free' on most monthly data contracts, or to buy on PAYG ('Pay as You Go') packages.  Modems supplied by the telcos are normally 'locked' to their respective networks.  Check with your chosen network provider for their current models. The 4G/3G USB modem connects directly into a DrayTek router/firewall and provides shared Internet connectivity to all PCs and other devices on your network, including wireless laptops (if you have a  DrayTek product with WiFi).

If you are using a DrayTek product with 4G/3G embedded/built-in, you do not need to use/add a USB modem - the 4G/3G/LTE modem is built in to the router - the SIM card slots directly into the router.
Some models even support the use of two SIM cards, allowing the backup to be used if the primary runs out of credit, or has a mobile network fault.

See DrayTek's range of integrated 4G/3G/LTE modem routers.

Currently Supported 4G/3G USB Modems

To ensure that your router includes the most up to date modem support, please check to make sure it is running the latest firmware. The PDF files below indicate USB modems that have been tested for compatibility and work correctly with our routers.

The PDF files below show the latest 3G/4G USB modem support list:

Model USB Dongle Support List PDF
Vigor 2135ax PDF
Vigor 2620Ln Use Integrated 4G/3G/LTE Modem, no USB available
Vigor 2763 PDF
Vigor 2765 PDF
Vigor 2766 PDF
Vigor 2865 PDF
Vigor 2866 PDF
Vigor 2927 PDF
Vigor 2962
& Vigor 3910
N/A - Does not support USB Modem functionality.
Use Vigor 2620Ln/2865Lac in Bridge mode for 4G/3G/LTE

For products not on this list and any older DrayTek routers, USB Dongle Support list is available here 

Unsupported & New USB Modems 

We continuously add support for new modems as they become widely available, though we cannot guarantee to support every specific new model. If you have a modem that you find isn't yet supported or listed on the above PDF, it may be possible to obtain logs for our engineers to assess and potentially include support for that modem in a later router firmware. Please contact support if you find a widely available and current modem that is not supported.

Places to buy 4G/3G USB Modems

Apart from the units supplied by the telcos directly (which is often the cheapest method, but the modems are locked to their respective networks, if you wish to buy a compatible USB modem independently then you can find sellers on online web shops. Also, mass market online sites like Amazon and ebay normally has a good selection of compatible modems.

*Note : Cellular service is subject to service availability or signal reception in your area and the use of a compatible USB modem with your chosen DrayTek product . Each mobile network offers varying service parameters, speeds, monthly download limits, blocking/throttling of certain traffic types. Please contact your chosen network for full details of their particular service.

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